I Received a Message from an Alternate Universe: “I Won the Lotto.” Now, What Do I Do?

Winning the lotto is a life-changing experience. But do you know what to do if it happened to you?

Edy Zoo
7 min readNov 8, 2022
There are lotto balls bouncing around as the lucky one is picked.
Photo by Dylan Nolte on Unsplash

KEY Takeaways:

  • How to Pick the Winning Numbers in the Lotto… Or Not — There is no guaranteed way to pick winning numbers. Still, some people recommend using numerology or the law of attraction.
  • How to Stay Anonymous After Winning the Lottery — In some states, lottery winners’ names and faces are made public automatically, so it is crucial to ensure your identity remains confidential. Check your state’s laws, set up a trust, hire an attorney, and stay low-key after claiming your prize.
  • What To Do With Your Lottery Winnings — Ten ideas for spending your money include buying a private island, investing in fine art, and going on a shopping spree.

So you’ve won the lottery. Congrats! Now what? You’ve probably heard stories about people who won the lottery and had their lives ruined because they couldn’t handle the money or the attention. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you figure out how to stay anonymous after winning the lottery and how to make sure that you don’t end up like one of those stories.

But first, let’s start with the obvious, how to win.

1. How to Pick the Winning Numbers in the Lotto… Or Not

Everyone has their method for picking the winning numbers in the lottery. Some people go with their gut, while others use birthdays or lucky numbers. But what is the best way to pick the winning numbers? Is there even such a thing?


One popular method for picking lottery numbers is numerology. The basic idea is that each number has its vibrational energy. So you can increase your chances of winning by aligning yourself with specific numbers.

Of course, there’s no scientific evidence to back up these claims, but that doesn’t stop people from trying. If you want to give it a shot, there are a few different ways to go about it.

You can add all the digits in your birth date until you get a single number (e.g., if your birthday is October 23, 10+2+3=15, 1+5=6). Or you can add the digits in your full name (first, middle, and last) to get a number representing your vibrations. Once you’ve got your number, you can start looking for patterns in past lottery draws to see if there’s any correlation between your number and the winning numbers.

The Law of Attraction

Another popular method for picking lottery numbers is using the law of attraction. The basic idea is that you can attract what you want into your life by focusing on it with positive thoughts and emotions. So, if you’re going to win the lottery, you need to focus on winning the lottery.

Some recommend meditating on your desired outcome or visualization exercises where you imagine yourself holding your winning ticket. Others recommend writing down your goals or making a vision board. There’s no right or wrong way to do it; choose whatever feels best for you and go with it.

At the end of the day, there’s no guaranteed way to pick the winning numbers in the lottery. So, whether you go with gut instinct, lucky numbers, or try one of the more “out there” methods like numerology or the law of attraction, it’s all ultimately a matter of chance. So, if you’re feeling lucky, go ahead and give it a shot — you might get lucky!

A person is holding lotto tickets.
Photo by Erik Mclean on Unsplash

Ok, now that that’s out of the way. Let’s explore what to do once you win.

2. How to Stay Anonymous After Winning the Lottery

Congratulations! You’re now a millionaire (or, depending on the size of the jackpot, maybe even a multimillionaire). But before you start planning how to spend all that money, there’s one crucial thing you need to do: figure out how to stay anonymous.

Why? Well, for one thing, you don’t want every long-lost relative and acquaintance coming out of the woodwork looking for a handout. And for another, if your name and face become public knowledge, you’ll likely be hounded by reporters everywhere you go. So it’s essential to take steps to ensure your identity remains confidential.

Here are a few tips on how to do just that.

  1. Check your state’s laws. In some states, lottery winners’ names and faces are made public automatically. So before you do anything else, find out whether that’s the case where you live. If it is, you may have to relocate if you want to maintain your anonymity.
  2. Set up a trust. One of the best ways to keep your identity confidential is to set up a trust and have the lottery winnings paid into that trust. That way, your name won’t appear on public documents related to the winnings.
  3. Hire an attorney. Speaking of public documents, another way to keep your name out of the papers is to hire an attorney to claim the prize on your behalf. Again, this will help ensure that your name remains confidential.
  4. Stay low-key. Even if you take all of the above measures, there’s always a chance that someone will figure out that you’re the lucky winner. So it’s critical to remain as low-key as possible after claiming your prize. Don’t go around bragging about your good fortune, and try to avoid drawing attention to yourself in general. The less attention you attract, the better your chance of remaining anonymous.
In some states, lottery winners’ names and faces are made public automatically, so it is crucial to ensure your identity remains confidential.

3. What to do with your lottery winnings

After winning the lotto, you’re now faced with figuring out what to do with all that money. While it may seem daunting, don’t worry. Here are ten ways to spend your lottery winnings.

  1. Buy a Private Island. Why settle for a house when you can have your private island? You can purchase your piece of paradise with your lottery winnings. Just make sure to hire a good security team to keep away any unwanted visitors.
  2. Start Your a Charity. With all that money, you could start your charity and make a real difference in the world. You could even name it after yourself! The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, anyone?
  3. Purchase a Yacht. If private islands aren’t your thing, how about a yacht? With a vessel, you can travel the world in luxury and style. You might even be able to get your reality TV show out of it — think “The Real Housewives of Monaco.”
  4. Invest in Fine Art. Investing in art is not only a great way to beautify your home, but it’s also an excellent investment. You could purchase some of the world’s finest paintings and sculptures with your lottery winnings. Maybe one day, your art collection will be worth more than the Mona Lisa!
  5. Build Your Own Amusement Park. What’s more fun than going to an amusement park? Going to an amusement park that YOU owned! With your lottery winnings, you could build the amusement park of your dreams — complete with roller coasters, cotton candy, and all the other trappings of a good time.
  6. Go on a Shopping Spree. If material possessions are more your thing, how about going on the shopping spree of a lifetime? With enough money, you could buy anything and everything you’ve ever wanted — and then some! Gucci bags, Hermes Birkin bags, diamond jewelry…the sky’s the limit!
  7. Give Yourself a Raise. If you’re not interested in spending money on things or other people, why not give yourself a raise? With all that extra cash flow, you could easily afford to live like royalty — or at least like a Kardashian. So why not buy yourself a new house (or two), a fleet of cars, and hire an army of personal assistants? You deserve it!
  8. Travel the World. With your lottery winnings, there’s no reason why you can’t travel the world in style. First-class flights and five-star hotels are well within reach — make sure to bring plenty of cash for shopping and dining out while you’re on vacation! After all, when you’ve got money to burn, why not burn it?
  9. Buy Your Own Sports Team. Think about it — with your own sports team; you would be both owner and fan! And with deep pockets like yours, you could easily afford to buy one of the major league teams — like the Yankees or Cowboys — and turn them into perennial champions. Imagine how popular YOU would be!
  10. Save It for A Rainy Day. Okay, this one might not be as exciting as others on this list…but it is practical! If you’re unsure what to do with your money immediately, why not just put it into savings? That way, if something comes up unexpectedly or another recession like in 2008, you’ll have some financial cushion to fall back on. And who knows…maybe by then, they’ll have invented something better than winning the lottery!
Ten ideas for spending your money include buying a private island, investing in fine art, and going on a shopping spree.

To sum up, winning the lottery is a life-changing event, but it doesn’t have to be a negative one. With some planning and forethought, you can stay anonymous and protect your privacy — all while making the most of your newfound wealth. So go out there and pick those lucky numbers — you never know, your anonymity could be the key to winning.



Edy Zoo

Edy Zoo is an author who writes about social subjects. He contributes to the ever-growing library of social critics.